It is December 15th on Sharing with Writers and Readers, so it is time for the new writing prompt freebies. Holidays will be front and center in most people's minds, even (or especially) in 2020. Staying at home? Wearing masks? Shopping by mail or going to the store? Whatever plans and preparations are underway at your house will give you some ideas for writing.
Holiday picture writing prompts free PDF, downloads here
This month, I am going to share a little quick-write story of my own. Family recipes sometimes have stories with them, so here is mine.
Potica Just Like Grandma Used to Make, Only Store-Bought
Oh, how fun to find Potica at the store today! Usually, we can buy some near Christmas time. The price has climbed a bit since we last purchased any, but as the Pope has referred to Potica by name, what could you expect? Grandma would be so happy the Pope mentioned Potica, but I'm sure she would disapprove of "store-bought" bakery items.
Grandma baked all her own bread and pastries, grew substantial vegetable gardens, canned the vegetables, washed clothes in a wringer washer, hung them on the line to dry, and did everything that needed to be done whenever anyone asked. She was no stranger to hard work.
I'm sure we managed to visit when it just happened to be a baking day more than once. I remember everyone fussing about Potica, but I don't remember much about it, just that it was a lot of work and very special. I do remember liking pie crust cookies made from leftover pieces of pie crust and shaped every which way. They were baked in the oven for a few minutes with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. As a child, I thought those were extremely special!
I remember that Grandma made a salad from dandelions. She made her own oil and vinegar salad dressing. She could can venison meat! She could do anything. I am good at buying Potica from the store, so I hope she forgives me.
As usual, there are six picture prompts with a few words to help some writers get started and six without. Images are enough for some people to begin writing immediately. I hope some people find this useful!
Thank you for reading, Carolyn Wilhelm
Pandemic People Writing Prompts post and free instant download
You might also like the following writing prompt freebies on the Wise Owl Factory blog.
Ha, that's the way it goes. My grandmother used to make homemade everything. Me, not so much!