Nostalgia has set
in. It started earlier this year when I saw a movie about a shop in San
Francisco that repaired and sold old typewriters. This week I saw the movie, The Post. I could almost smell the
printer’s ink. And the longing I felt for renewed respect for what the press
does for our democracy was palpable.
Then only a few
days later I received a copy of a book called Stop the
Press: How the Mormon Church Tried to
Silence the Salt Lake Tribune by an old pal of mine in every sense of the word—James W.
Ure. We both started learning our craft as “reporters” for our high school
newspaper, The Thunderbolt, an apt
name for a bunch of young muckraking journalism apprentices bent on making our
school (the world, to us!) a better place. It happened to be nonfiction
published by Prometheus about the newspaper that gave me my first professional
job in journalism, The Salt Lake Tribune.
Its crack marketing
department had dubbed it “A Great Pulitzer Prize Winning Newspaper” for its
coverage of a devastating earthquake in Alaska in the 1950s. Jim’s book is
about how, in spite of the US separation of church and state, tried to silence
its voice which was probably the only alternative voice in the State of Utah—a
contrarian voice in a state where conservatism ruled and the newspaper they
own, The Deseret News, is under their
Those readers who
happen to be conservative may think that is not a problem. Newspapering is a
business, after all, and in a capitalist society, businesses are competitive.
Some win, some lose. If they aren’t journalists or lawyers or
constitutionalists they may not be familiar with the First Amendment.
However, I think
they should be just as devout about protecting both power and the freedom of
the press as I am, because all of us are writers. As writers, we all enjoy the
protections of that amendment. We can choose to write what we want. Put our
opinions in a book or on the web—from academic studies to erotica if we so
choose. We can rant. Do satire (which I was once told by a British journalists
Americans don’t really understand!). Say exactly what we think about anyone as
long as they are public figures or can prove that what we are saying is fact
and not libelous. That is why Michael Wolff’s new book, Fire and Fury, is supported by its reputable publisher, Henry Holt.
They supplied editors, fact checkers, and the brouhaha hasn’t dissuaded
thembeen from keeping it in print (or
from making a fortune by doing so!). And despite their distribution booboos, it
sold out in its first and second days on bookstores’ shelves. According to Publishes’ Weekly, it was the
“hottest book of the year.” To their credit, Holt is standing by its author in
spite of the political kerfuffle and printing as many books and shipping them
as fast as they can to fill their orders for one million books. If they are
smart—they will print some using digital presses as well as offset so they miss
as few sales as possible.
Perhaps the
longing I feel for the days when Wolff’s right to report a story he feels the
public should know can never be universal. But I hope writers everywhere (and
readers who benefit from the choices available because of this freedom) will
stand up for Michael—and my friend Jim. For their right to write, so to speak.
Regardless of whether their beliefs—political, religious, or gender-related may
be. Freedom has always been something that runs both upstream and downstream.
When we shut freedom down, we may suffer when someone who agrees with us no
longer has that right or when the tables turn and we are the ones being shut
Happy writing, editing and promoting in 2018,
Carolyn Howard-Johnson,
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