You are cordially invited to join o the Genre-LA 2018 Creative Writing Conference. I will be speaking on marketing new books--and old. ("It is never too early or too late to market a book. "
This educational and inspirational weekend will focus on the genres of Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thrillers, Suspense, Mysteries, True Crime, Classic Romance to Urban Erotica, to Memoirs, Biographies, New Adult (YA), Christian, New Age, LGBT, Spiritual, Self-Help, and more. This will be a unique opportunity for writers to learn how to brainstorm and develop new ideas, visualize brave new worlds of wonder, create compelling memorable characters (both human and otherwise), plot and structure amazing story lines of imagination, and develop stand-alone award-winning novels, screenplays and graphic novels. PLUS, we will offer a general fiction writing track, which will (hopefully) include as many genres as possible and attract a broad-base of writers of books and screenplay to the event.
GenreLA 2018 will be held at Los Angeles California on February 23-25, 2018, and include a full weekend of panels, workshops and presentations with educators, noted speakers, and industry professionals and focus as always on the craft and business of writing. The conference differentiates itself by presenting unique creative writing program streams for (what we call the 3-A¹s) Aspiring, Active, and Accomplished writers of literature, as well as script writing for motion pictures, television, graphic novels and video games. Topics are offered in a progressive manner so writers are immersed all weekend in an exciting and educational environment. Attendees choose their areas of interest, and may change tracks at any time.
This is a serious creative writing conference for writers, not a fan-based event. There are no costume balls planned, but festive attire, as well as business casual is welcome.
In addition to quality workshops, WC2 will offer fee-based ProCritiques of attendee¹s work in a one-on-one meeting with professional editors and/or literary agents. This is a terrific opportunity and a cost-effective way for writers to receive constructive, professional feedback and advice on a novel or screenplay, and increase their chance for success. As always, WC2 will also offer new talent with polished manuscripts free ProConsultationsto pitch literary agents and acquisition editors. http://www.wcwriters.com/1on1/index.html
We will continue to produce the very popular Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference June 22-24, 2018, the Digital Author & Indie Publishing Conference in the Fall, as well as a new wealth of workshops and retreats for writers of all levels and genres.
Tony N. Todaro Michelle Pincus Lillian M. TodaroExecutive Director VIP Faculty/Guest Liaison CFO, ProCritique Manager

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