Fall Writing Prompts for November 2023 Free Instant Download PDF
Trees provide endless opportunities for drawing and writing. With leaves falling and branches beginning to bare, our imaginations take us to thoughts of harvest and large gatherings with the foods autumn provides. Time to get out winter clothing if you live in a four-season area. Time to dust off the recipe books for the upcoming holiday meals and desserts. Each prompt has a text prompt page, and also a picture-only prompt page. We always include a coloring page for children who may be in attendance.

November is full of gray - skies, branches, old withering leaves, and gardens prepared for next year.
Leaves underfoot? Who can resist "crunching" them! Leaf piles are irresistible to children, and sometimes adults. Walks are enjoyable when there are things to discover like colorful leaves, acorns, pine needles, and pinecones. It is probably going to be a mast year for acorns. I heard a discussion on NPR about the high numbers of acorns this fall.
Light snows that do not stay on the ground are lovely as it probably isn't too cold as yet. Can you catch a snowflake on your tongue?
As usual, there is a coloring page for the children included in the PDF.
Thank you for reading, Carolyn
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the multi award-winning author of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. She is also a marketing consultant, editor, and author of the multi award-winning #HowToDoItFrugally Series (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTXQL27T/ ) of books for writers including "The Frugal Book Promoter" (https://bit.ly/FrugalBookPromoIII), and "The Frugal Editor" both offered in their third editions by Modern History Press. Others in that series are "How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically," and two booklets, both in their second editions also from Modern History Press. The booklets, "Great Little Last Minute Editing Tips for Writers" (https://bit.ly/LastMinuteEditsII) and "Great First Impression Book Proposals" (https://bit.ly/BookProposalsII) are career boosters in mini doses and both make ideal thank you gifts for authors. The one on writing book proposals is also available as an Audio Book. "The Frugal Editor "(https://tinyurl.com/TheFrugalEditor), was recently released in its third edition. It is the winningest book in this series for writers.
Carolyn also has three frugal books for retailers including one she encourages authors to read because it helps them understand what is needed to convince retailers to host their workshops, presentations, and signings. It is "A Retailer’s Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques" (https://bit.ly/RetailersGuide). In addition to this blog, Carolyn helps writers extend the exposure of their favorite reviews at https://TheNewBookReview.blogspot.com. She also blogs all things editing--grammar, formatting and more--at "The Frugal, Smart, and Tuned-In Editor" (https://TheFrugalEditor.blogspot.com). Learn more and follow it to get news on her new releases directly from Amazon at https://bit.ly/CarolynsAmznProfile.
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