Did you have a Children’s Book Ghostwritten?
Or One You've Written Yourself?
Now What?
By Karen Cioffi-Ventrice

With a steady stream of ghosting clients, I am often asked what comes after the manuscript is written and edited.
Well, this depends on which publishing road you’ll be
taking: self-publishing or traditional publishing.
Since the majority of my clients go the self-pubbing route,
I’ll start there.
Self-Publishing a Children’s Picture Book
Some basic pages and
copy in addition to the story.
1. You’ll need back cover copy. This is a brief synopsis of
the story, usually 100-200 words. It needs to be ‘grabbing’ and ‘clear.’
2. It’s a good idea to have an About the Author or Author’s
Note page at the end of the story. It’s definitely optional though.
3. A Copyright page – you can include acknowledgements on
this page.
4. A Dedication / Acknowledgment page is a thought.
5. Some authors want a Preface page, but in most cases this
isn’t necessary.
6. If you have words that may need to be defined for the
young reader, you might include a Glossary right after the story. Most authors
don’t bother with this.
7. Then there’s the Activity Page and Reading Comprehension
Page. If you’re hoping to get your book into the classroom, this is a must.
Unless you’re creating
your own pages, these items will usually be an additional fee.
If you have a children’s picture book you’ll need to get
illustrations done. It’s usual to have one illustration per spread. So, if you
have a 15 spread manuscript, you’ll need 15 interior illustrations.
Keep in mind that a full spread (two pages) will be more
money than a one page illustration.
The book cover is a BIGGIE. The cover is one of the most
influential elements to motivate someone to pick up your book. You want it done
right. Covers are more money than interior spreads.
You might also want to go for a small back cover
illustration. This isn’t really necessary though. You can simply have a colored
back cover with your synopsis on it. Possibly include an image of yourself (the
Pricing for illustrations vary. I recommend two illustrators
to my clients: one charges $50-$60 per interior illustration and the other charges
around $75-$100. There are others who charge $150 and up per interior
On the flip side, you can probably get
illustrations cheaper through various services / illustrators. Just be sure the
one you choose is capable of creating quality illustrations.
Again, cover illustrations are more.
Here are a three places you can look for illustrators:
You can also do a Google search.
So, you can see that self-publishing a children’s picture
book can get pretty expensive.
Hot Tip: Unless you’re a professional illustrator, or
really, really, really good, don’t attempt to do your own illustrations.
Checking the Illustrations and Illustrations to text.
Unless you hire someone to oversee this process, you will
need to make sure there are no errors in the illustrations.
For the first part,
you need to carefully review each illustration, including the cover and back
cover (if you have an image on the back cover).
It can be something as simple as part of a foot missing, or
a picture described in the story conveyed wrong in the illustration. These,
among many others, were mistakes I found for one of my clients who hired me to
oversee this process for him.
It can even be consistency, maybe how the characters look
throughout the story or even the background scenery. In one project, the
illustrator had molding in some illustrations and none in others where is
should have been.
You’ll have to have a keen eye for this stuff, but getting
it right is the difference between a good quality product and a poor quality
For the illustrations
to text review, it’s the same. You want to make sure the illustration fits
the text per spread. Most illustrators get this right, but I’ve come across a
few who do make mistakes.
This is your book. You want it to be the best it can be.
This means getting all the details right.
Time Frame
Having the book ghostwritten and illustrated can take around
3 months, possibly longer.
The Story
Using myself as an example, I usually take two-four weeks to
write a children’s picture book manuscript of 800 – 3000 words (depends on what
my clients want). I do mention in my freelance agreement that it can take up to
six weeks.
It’s important to know that if you’re self-publishing your
word count can be around 1000 words. If you’re going the traditional route,
it’s a good idea to stay under 800 words.
Another factor in the time it takes to write the story is
the time it takes the client to respond to questions and approvals of content.
If a client takes more than a couple of days to respond to emails, the time
frame will be thrown off.
The Illustrations
Getting the interior and exterior illustrations done can
take one-two months, sometimes more. It will depend on the illustrator you use
and his/her workload.
Getting the Book
Published (ready for distribution / sale)
Depending on your budget, you can hire someone from a site
like Fiverr.com to format and upload your book onto Kindle and/or other
publishing venues.
Or, you can hire a service, like CreateSpace, Dog Ear
Publishing, Golden Box Books, and Publishing Push to do it for you. This route
will cost more money, but you’ll have all your “Is” dotted and “Ts” crossed.
For a great resource on publishing ebooks, check out:
Self-Publishing a Chapter or
Simple Middle Grade Book
If you have a chapter or simple middle grade book ghosted,
you’ll only need illustrations for each chapter. And, they can be simple grey
tone sketches.
While it’s not an absolute must to have illustrations for
these books, it does help with engagement for the young reader.
The Traditional Road
The traditional route will cost much less. All you’ll be
paying for is the ghostwriter. You won’t need illustrations.
While it will cost less, it will certainly take a lot
You’ll have to submit your manuscript to publishers and/or
literary agents to hopefully get a contract. You’ll need a query letter for
this. And, having a synopsis of the story is another must.
When and if a contract happens, it takes an average of two
years before your book is actually published. So, patience will be needed.
And, be prepared for the publisher’s editor to go over your
story and possibly request changes. This is just part of the process. Be open
to suggestions.
I recommend you get the most recent edition of “Children’s
Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market” by Writer’s Digest Books. This book provides
information on publishers and agents in the children’s writing arena. These are
the people you’ll be submitting your manuscript to.
I also recommend you read this article from my blog:
The Author Website
Before you publish
your book, you absolutely need an author website. Publishers and agents
will expect this. And, if you’re self-publishing it’s even more important.
According to Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest, in his
book “Create Your Writer Platform,” an author’s platform (its visibility,
connections, and reach) is a key factor when looking for a publisher or agent.
Take note that this is not after a book is published;
it’s when the author is looking for a contract. Your
platform begins with a website.
Summing it Up
So, there you have it, a basic run-down of what to expect
and what you’ll need to do to get your manuscript published.
About the Author
Karen Cioffi is an award-winning author, children’s ghostwriter, and author/writer online platform marketing instructor. She is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Writers on the Move (a promotional group of authors/writers utilizing cross-promotion – http://writersonthemove.com). And, her site, Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing, was named Writer’s Digest Website of the Week, June 25, 2012. Brian A. Klems, Online Editor for Writer’s Digest commented: “This site from Karen Cioffi should stand as a model for other freelance writers.”
You can also connect with Karen at:
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/KarenCioffi/
Find Karen’s middle-grade fantasy adventure:
Walking Through Walls. Or, check it out atAmazon (if you buy, please be sure to buy from Amazon – not a 3rd
party seller.

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