Just my usual sharing of great and frugal resources for writers here! If you don't know UPPAA, scroll down for a little more about it! And check out the anthology opportunity, too! ~ CHJ

The workshop will be an online Zoom videoconference. You need to be comfortable with typing and using a computer to access the Internet. You will also need a high speed Internet connection and a computer with a video camera and a mic. We will send an email with a link for you to join the Zoom conference online.
- Attend both days of the workshop as the skills build from the first day through the second.
- 10:00am to 3:00pm Friday and Saturday, October 9 and 10, 2020
- Each day includes a one-hour lunch break.
IMPORTANT: Receiving Professional Review and Peer Feedback
Submit two separate documents of your writing by 11:00 pm on September 19, 2020, to receive peer feedback and a professional edit with comments.
- Submit one document of up to three-pages for editing and comments by the instructors. Name this document “For Professional Review (your name).” For example, For Professional Review Jose Garza.doc.
- Submit a second document of up to three pages for use during the workshop. These pages should be different than those in the first document. Label this document “For Peer Feedback (your name).”
Submission Requirements: double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins.
Selecting Pages to Submit
Each document you submit may be a complete story or an excerpt from a longer piece of fiction. The pages in the first document (For Professional Review) and in the second document (For Peer Feedback) should be different. They can be, but do not need to be from the same piece of writing. The pages within each document should be contiguous.
Bethany and Doug Leonard of Red Ore Writers, Crystal Falls, MI, are authors and educators.
Between them they are published in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, and have many years of experience teaching, including college writing, corporate workshops, and editorial coaching. They have presented at state, national, and international conferences.
Fiction Workshop Modules
Modules with an * include writing exercises.
Showing vs. Telling *
Practice identifying sentences that show and the words and phrases that make them showing sentences. Review the appropriate uses of telling and practice writing with showing and telling sentence.
Building Characters *
Practice building a character and then write your developed character into a fictional scene.
Less is More *
Identify opportunities to tighten and sharpen text. Practice techniques to reduce wordiness.
Dialogue *
Explore uses of dialogue. Practice using dialogue with action and dialogue tags to develop effects, such as cadence and character development.
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Learn a process for purposeful reading to strengthen your writing and your ability to give supportive, useful feedback to others.
Feedback Session
Receive feedback from a small group of fellow writers on your “For Peer Feedback” submitted pages. Feedback will be provided using the techniques presented in the workshop.
Professional Review
After attending the workshop, receive edits and comments from Bethany and Doug on the “For Professional Review” document you submit by September 19.
For questions please write to president@uppaa.org
MORE ABOUT UPPAAEstablished in 1998 to support authors and publishers who live in or write about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, UPPAA is a Michigan nonprofit association with more than 100 members, many of whose books are featured on the organization’s website at www.uppaa.org. UPPAA welcomes membership and participation from anyone with a UP connection who is interested in writing and publishing books.
Howard-Johnson is the multi award-wining author of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. She is
also a marketing consultant, editor, and author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers including the multi award-winning The Frugal Book Promoter (http://bit.ly/FrugalBookPromoIII), now offered by Modern History Press in its third edition. Carolyn's latest is in the #HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers is How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically. Learn more on her Amazon profile page (http://bit.ly/CarolynsAmznProfile). Great Little Last Minute Editing Tips for Writers (http://bit.ly/Last-MinuteEditing) is one of her booklets--perfect for inexpensive gift giving--and, another booklet, The Great First Impression Book Proposal (http://bit.ly/BookProposalsII) helps writers who want to be traditionally published. The Frugal Editor (http://bit.ly/FrugalEditor), now in its second edition, is the winningest book in the series. Carolyn also has three frugal books for retailers including one she encourages authors to read because it will help them convince retailers to host their workshops, presentations, and signings. It is A Retailer’s Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques (http://bit.ly/RetailersGuide). In addition to this blog, Carolyn helps writers extend the exposure of their favorite reviews at TheNewBookReview.blogspot.com. She also blogs at all things editing--grammar, formatting and more--at The Frugal, Smart, and Tuned-In Editor (http://TheFrugalEditor.blogspot.com)
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