Case Study;
Professionalism Wrong
or Why Gorgeous Books Go Ignored
or Why Gorgeous Books Go Ignored
By Carolyn Howard-Johnson
A long time ago, as time is measured in the
publishing world, I received a beautiful hardcover book with a slick, arresting
dust cover in the mail. Everything about it yelled “professionally published!”
right down to the fact that it was written by the president of a well respected
company. The trouble was, I hadn’t requested it, there was no personal note,
and the letterhead on an enclosed sellsheet didn’t give me an e-mail address. I
used the phone number supplied. A pleasant woman couldn’t answer my questions,
took my number and I never heard back from either her or the author. I promptly
forgot about it. Then I received a note from one of my SharingwithWriters
newsletter subscribers who edited the book asking if I had received it. I told
her I hadn’t so she had the author’s secretary handling the book send me
Horrors. I now had two copies of the book. I
wanted to bury my head in the sand but instead I thought I’d admit my mistake
like any good professional and maybe help the author in the process. Here is my
apology and the letter I hope gave her the information she needed to help him:
Dear [Subscriber],
I apologize for my
part in a minor marketing fiasco. It is story we can learn from—a minor
disaster that could be a major one if it is repeated many times. A minor
disaster caused by an omission of contact information and a failure to followup
on contacts. I hope we can both learn from this experience.
I received the
second book you had your PR person send. When I saw it, I remembered that I did
get the earlier copy. There was a letter in it both times, but it neither mentioned
you or the conversation we had. Though it is a beautiful book, I get about two
or three unrequested and unexpected books a week and assumed it was one of
those. Still, I take pains to try to contact people who send books to me as a
matter of courtesy. There was no e-mail address so I called. There was no
personal contact on the phone, either. Just a person saying they would give the
busy author a message. I received nothing back. So, I did a little more than
usual. I went to the website where there was also was no personal contact
information so I added the e-mail it provided to my contact list thinking that
might work eventually. Apparently the author’s agency/handler did receive one
of my e-mails and unsubscribed. So, I finally wrote off the whole experience
as an impossible mess.
I don't know what
contact/relationship you have with the company who promotes this book or with
the author, but as professional as everything looks from the book to the
letterhead, there are some gaps in this approach to marketing this book. I
suspect the author cares enough about having his book read to pay a small
fortune to get the word out there either by using his secretary’s well-paid
time or hiring a PR agency. I also suspect he is a busy businessman depending
on other professionals to do what needs to be done to get it read.
And this is
exactly why I wrote The Frugal Book Promoter. That is, I
want authors to be very clear that no matter who publishers their books, does
their publicity, their marketing...well, the more authors know and the more
hands-on the process can be, the better it works.
I hope you'll pass
this long to that author if you are in a position to do so. The author is lucky
to have you on his side His book does seem to be full of information that will
help many. It is a book that is professionally edited and produced and would
therefore make a handsome gift. Still, I can't help—make that don't have time
to help--anyone who has chosen a publishing path so different from what works
and that is to make it as easy as possible on the media and other gatekeepers
to give them the exposure they need to sell books.. I only hope I am an
isolated case. For his sake and the sake of his prospective audience.
I hope you can see
I wouldn't have taken the time to write you this treatise if I didn't care. I
am certain you care!
Very best,
I believe that part of the problem this author had was misguided
professionalism. He believed (as I do) in empowering employees and designating
tasks. After all, no one person can do it all. However, that must be
accompanied with the advice I once read in a little book in the 70s. I think it
was called “Management by Wandering Around.” I used this advice when I had gift
shops in five cities and two states. It took a lot of traveling, but it was
fun, too. If I were writing that book, I would add a subtitle: “ Management by
Wandering Around: And Asking Questions, Designating, Doing a Lot of Training,
Checking Up, Holding People Responsible, and Retraining.” Oops! The inside
could be blank. The title says it all!

newest book in the HowToDoItFrugally series for writers is How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically.
Howard-Johnson is
the recipient of the California Legislature’s Woman of the Year in Arts and
Entertainment Award, and her community’s Character and Ethics award for her
work promoting tolerance with her writing. She was also named to Pasadena
Weekly’s list of “Fourteen San Gabriel Valley women who make life happen” and
was given her community’s Diamond Award for Achievement in the Arts.
author loves to travel. She has visited eighty-nine countries and has studied
writing at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom; Herzen University in St.
Petersburg, Russia; and Charles University, Prague. She admits to carrying a pen
and journal wherever she goes. Her Web site is
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