I am always pleased when one of my clients is excited enough about a writers' aid to want to share it with the rest of writing friends! Brother Simeon, manger of Light of the Spirit Press, recently sharesdthis aid in a full-blown review. I hope there are those among you who will find his review of Dave Chesson's as a valuables a resource helpful --especially for the intricacies and benefits offered by Amazon KDP and advertising features.
Review for Dave Chesson and Kindlepreneur
Guest Post/Review by Brother Simeon of Light of the Spirit Press
I would like to give a triple positive review to Dave Chesson. First, I have found his website, Kindlepreneur.com, to be an never failing resource for all things relating to Kindle ebooks. This especially relates to marketing, essential for anyone who has written a book and is serious about getting the word out. This even relates to authors who have signed on with book companies who, in theory, take care of promotion. He gives practical, do-it-yourself articles which are always useful and informative, even entertaining. And he always keeps his readers informed about the latest trends in what an author can do to promote his or her books. Subscribing to his blog is essential for book marketers.
Second, he recently made available an incredibly useful series of tutorial videos on Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) at https://kindlepreneur.com/ams-book-advertising-course/ which walks the viewers through how to successfully set up an AMS account and all steps for marketing through Amazon’s in-site marketing network, and making the ads as effective as they can be. Having begun implementing these steps, I am finding success with Amazon ads already, and as I apply the suggestions for optimization of the ads which Dave recommends in his course, I expect to have even more success.
And third, Dave has created some software, KDP Rocket, which is a fantastic help with all things relating to Kindle Direct Publishing. KDP Rocket is meant to help authors find profitable book ideas, get more readers to their books in Amazon, increase Kindle rankings, and find profitable AMS keywords. And he gives useful video tutorials on how to effectively us the capabilities for KDP Rocket. I can personally vouch for the software’s capacity to save hours of time not only in finding related keywords for desired keywords, but also books and authors related to the keyword inquiry, which can be used in AMS campaigns. And it does so FAST. And the list can be downloaded as an Excel file for editing. I look forward to using all facets of the software as I expand my efforts to market our books on Amazon.
My special thanks to Dave for his help to authors and publishers.
[Note: Please feel free to share comments and ideas for his coming book!]

This is the ninth book our press offers (in addition to three ebooks which we offer for free: reader magnets with ads for all our other books at the end of each). We just finished proofing today on the 10th book, which I hope to promote big time, actually putting into practice many of the things which I learned from our consultation, and from reading your books.
As this is the tenth book from Light of the Spirit Press, I thought it would be an opportunity to promote LOSP through press releases, contacting book stores, etc., playing up the angle of the Monastery as a growing micro-press, if that is the correct term. I hope to consult with you about this as this project goes forward, regarding press releases and the best way to use this milestone to our benefit.
Regarding this 10th book, it is a collection of questions and answers regarding all things spiritual which Abbot George has collected over the years. I think it might be of great interest to readers in our genre, though I am not un-biased. It will be a larger book, over 300 pages at 6x9, I imagine. The problem immediately before us is a catchy title. We thought of Dear Abbot, but we are of an older generation that remembers the Dear Abby columns, so it might not interest younger readers. Ask the Abbot is another limp idea. I thought of a sub-title like Questions and Answers on Life, Spiritual Liberty, and the Pursuit of Ultimate Happiness. But I think that might be too corny. What do you think? I also thought of a Facebook contest or inquiry from our readers.
Learn more about Brother Simeon and his press:
Light of the Spirit Press
P. O. Box 1370
Cedar Crest, NM 87008

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