It's amazing the things that put us on the road to a book promotion.
As many of you know, my grandson is back now from two tours of duty in Iraq and is now stationed (very luckily) near Monterrey, CA. (See my War Peace Tolerance blog if you're interested in ways to help our troops inexpensively.) T
In this case, my poetry writing partner Magdalena Ball came up with an idea and I am, of course, enthusiastically supporting it. W are giving away e-copies of our chapbook of unconventional love poetry Cherished Pulse to 'our' troops overseas as part of Operation e-book drop. We hope it will help them celebrate our holiday of love and express our love to them.
Troops will get an e-mail with a coupon code for a free copy at Smashbooks. We would love to have you have a copy, too. Partly to see how the program works. Partly to share our poetry with you. The coupon code is ZF39H (not case sensitive).
Customers enter the code prior to completing their checkout.
Expires: February 28, 2010
If you are an author, you may do something similar. More about Op Ebook Drop is here:
And Smashwords has a Facebook group here:
If you prefer to send a real copy to someone, that is easy, too. It is only $6.95 on Amazon, certainly a doable gift. (The Amazon Link is in this post.) Cherished Pulse makes a really beautiful gift with Vicki Thomas’s artwork and you can make it even prettier by tying a slender satin ribbon in the book's crease as a bookmark. Go to .
As long as we're on the subject of our soldiers (now working their fannies off to bring relief to the Haitians), you may be interested in a gift book I wrote the foreword for. It is Eric Dinyer's book of patriotic quotations, Support Our Troops, published by Andrews McMeel. Part of the proceeds for the book benefit Fisher House. Her chapbook of poetry won the Military Writers Society of America's award of excellence. Find it at
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of This Is the Place; Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered; Tracings, a chapbook of poetry; and two how to books for writers, The Frugal Book Promoter: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't and The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success. Her FRUGAL book for retailers is A Retailer’s Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques. She is also the author of the Amazon Short, "The Great First Impression Book Proposal". Some of her other blogs are, a blog where authors can recycle their favorite reviews. She also blogs at all things editing, grammar, formatting and more at The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor blog.
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Now that is a wonderful idea!
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is a wonderful idea. Come share it here Carolyn.