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Named to "Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites," this #SharingwithWriters blog is a way to connect with my readers and fellow writers, a way to give the teaching genes that populate my DNA free rein. Please join the conversation using the very tiny "comment" link. For those interested in editing and grammar, go to http://thefrugaleditor.blogspot.com.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Adding a Neglected Argument to the Great E-Reader Debate

In the process of working with Aggie Villaneuva, I found she had somehow translated the e-copy of The Frugal Editor for purposed of her research for her Kindle reader. I am a big fan of Kindle (all my how-to books, including TFE, are available as Kindle downloads) but I didn't know that a Kindle owner could change a Word doc to Kindle for reading on a plane or--in Aggie's and many other cases--simply to make reading easier. I asked her to tell us a bit about that and here is what she sent me. Please welcome my guest blogger with many comments.

Adding a Neglected Argument to the Great e-Reader Debate

By Aggie Villanueva

I thought I’d and throw in my two cents, adding to the ceaseless e-reader debate. Of course, I’m a writer; you’d be hard pressed to keep my two cents out.

Publishing halls resound with debates over e-readers vs. traditional books. Book lovers recant. They cover the spectrum from citing economic considerations for traditional publishing houses, too much ease for the commoner to get a book out there, digitizing our brain cells, to just plain “I like the smell and feel of my paper books.”

As do I. Even as a child I would bury my nose deep in the binding of my open pages and inhale. The perfume of musty paper warehouses still equals bliss for me. But there is an aspect to the arguments that has been barely acknowledged, though it’s the main reason I scurried to order a Kindle; health reasons.

I suffer from severe Fibromyalgia, arthritis, bursitis, and back disc disease, some of which are extremely degenerative. Just lifting some of my heavy research books is painful. Imagine my difficulty in holding one open and propped for hours on end, while simultaneously maneuvering notebooks and writing pages of notes.

Though I executed this with ease only a few years ago, it is literally impossible for me today. With my e-reader I only have to manipulate the pencil thin and lightweight Kindle (I soon hope to add the Nook to my virtual library). No shuffling through notebooks full of scribbles that crippled my hands. In fact, no scribbling now either. I type my notes into the Kindle and with a touch of a few buttons recall every note and bookmark.

I eagerly await the day I can upload those notes and bookmarked sections to my word processor to finalize my research. But I’m optimistic. The new Nook and Kindle are both constantly adding functions.

The great debate can keep raging among the literary elite. For me the question lay not in economic ease for publishing houses, the death of our traditional libraries, moral implications, or even the literary bluebloods keeping indie writers in their place.

When you can’t make use of the paper volumes of old you embrace digitized technology with fervor. Because of my Kindle I can now delve into the murkiest of research waters without pain that prevents my working. E-readers have empowered me to accomplish what you do without a second thought.

What other argument is there?

Guest Blogger Biography:
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Aggie Villanueva is dubbed by artistic peers Grandma Moses of the American Southwest
VIEW HER PHOTOGRAPHIC ART: www.cielosrojos.com

RIGHTFULLY MINE: GOD'S EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT: http://www.aggiev.org/rightfullymine/

THE REWRITTEN WORD WRITING COURSE: http://www.aggiev.org/therewrittenword/

DISCOVER YOUR NICHE & STYLE COACHING: http://www.aggiev.org/findyournicheandstyle/

VISUAL ARTS JUNCTION BLOG: www.visualartsjunction.com

VIEW LANDSCAPE PROMO VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsQHc6K3Fkk

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Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of This Is the Place; Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered; Tracings, a chapbook of poetry; and two how to books for writers, The Frugal Book Promoter: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't and The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success. Her FRUGAL book for retailers is A Retailer’s Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques. She is also the author of the Amazon Short, "The Great First Impression Book Proposal". Some of her other blogs are TheNewBookReview.blogspot.com, a blog where authors can recycle their favorite reviews. She also blogs at all things editing, grammar, formatting and more at The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor blog.


  1. Hi Carolyn. Thankx for letting me air my views. I thought the readers might like to know there are two ways I've found to translate your files to Kindle 2. I'm sure there are more, but these are how I do it.

    For a Word doc you must email the file to yourname@free.kindle.com. Send you file as an attachment. Almost immediately if will be converted and emailed back to you.

    You can also send .pdf files this way, but I just convert those myself using the free Calibr program. www.calibre.com.

    Once you have your converted files, just drag and drop them into the Kindle's "Document" folder.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I am getting my book republished and will then put on Kindle as you suggested. Also, a Kindle is on my Christmas list! I've decided I have to have one!

    Allyn Evans

  3. E-Books are certainly good for the reasons she quoted! I think schools and colleges should all switch to E-Books for their textbooks.

    I've several E-Books on my computer and that is where I read them. Not planning on acquiring an E-reader anytime soon.

  4. Aggie, I've printed out your tips for file conversion. Thank you for those little tidbits. Very important! (-:

  5. Reading about ereaders makes me all the more cry out, "BUY MOM AN EREADER!!" Well, Christmas is around the corner and maybe the kids will listen to what I really want this year instead of buying me what they 'really' think I need. GRIN

    Great discussion. Going to The Writing Jungle now to get opinions from my readers on this topic.

  6. Hi, Aggie and Carolyn,

    Great discussion. I still love my books though - I just find them easier to move through to find what I need.

    Off the writing topic, Aggie, have you tried acupuncture for the FM?

    Karen Cioffi

  7. Oh, Aggie,

    Forgot to mention, I have a health site and one of the pages is FM. I was diagnosed a number of years ago along with CFS and MS.

    I've been busy and haven't been posting to it as much as I should, but I think I have an article floating around about FM and Acupuncture, or FM An Eastern View.


    Please let me know if you'd be interested in doing a guest post on it about FM.


  8. Thankx for all your comments. I appreciate each one. Thankx you L. Diane. That would sure cut down on the load students have to carry around with them!

    Carolyn, you're welcome for the tips. Leah, I hope you get that reader for Christmas, and I'd love to hear from your readers too. I'd love to hear what other's with similar conditions have to say on the topic.

    Have you seen Barnes & Noble's new ereader, the Nook? It's better than my Kindle 2. See my article comparing them. http://www.visualartsjunction.com/?p=3677

    Karen, your so kind. I'll check out your article ASAP. And, of course, I'd be interested in a guest blog about FM. I'll contact you at your site.

    Again, I've so enjoyed all your comments. Have the best day ever.


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